The afem.oml package provides a minimal set of entities and tools intended to make defining structural components easier and more efficient. Many of the tools used to create parts require a solid defining the common material of the part given its basis shape. Some tools are more automated and parametric and therefore need more information, like a reference surface or curve. The oml package, and more specifically the Body class, are intended to provide a single type that contains all necessary information. The entities and tools can be imported by:

from afem.oml import *

The intent of the oml package and the Body class is best understood by manually building a solid shape that represents a basic wing as shown in the following example:

from math import tan, radians

from afem.geometry import *
from import Viewer
from afem.oml import *
from afem.sketch import *
from afem.topology import *

# Parameters
semispan = 107.  # wing semi-span
sweep = 34.  # Leading edge sweep
uk = 0.28  # Percent semi-span to locate section cross section
c1 = 51.5  # Root chord
c2 = 31.  # Chord of second section
c3 = 7.  # Tip chord
t3 = 3.  # Tip washout in degrees

# Define leading edge points of cross sections
p1x, p1y = 0., 0.
p2x = semispan * uk * tan(radians(sweep))
p2y = semispan * uk
p3x = semispan * tan(radians(sweep))
p3y = semispan

# Create a cross section using an UIUC airfoil file
cs = Airfoil()

# Define cross section planes
pln1 = PlaneByAxes((p1x, p1y, 0), axes='xz').plane
pln2 = PlaneByAxes((p2x, p2y, 0), axes='xz').plane
pln3 = PlaneByAxes((p3x, p3y, 0), axes='xz').plane

# Build cross sections, scale=c1)
wire1 = cs.wires[0], scale=c2)
wire2 = cs.wires[0], scale=c3, rotate=t3)
wire3 = cs.wires[0]

# Loft a solid
shape = LoftShape([wire1, wire2, wire3], True, make_ruled=True).shape

# Make a body
wing = Body(shape, 'Wing')
wing.set_color(1, 0, 0)

# Build a reference surface using chord lines of the cross sections. Make sure
# to use the same scaling and rotation parameters. Set the parametric domains
# to be between 0 and 1 for convenience.
chord1 = cs.build_chord(pln1, scale=c1)
chord2 = cs.build_chord(pln2, scale=c2)
chord3 = cs.build_chord(pln3, scale=c3, rotate=t3)
sref = NurbsSurfaceByInterp([chord1, chord2, chord3], 1).surface
sref.set_udomain(0., 1.)
sref.set_vdomain(0., 1.)

# Set the wing reference surface

# Show wing and reference surface
gui = Viewer()
gui.add(wing, wing.sref)

# Show the underlying shape of the reference surface

# Evaluate point
p = wing.eval(0.5, 0.5)

# Extract a plane
pln = wing.extract_plane(0.5, 0., 0.5, 0.5)
face = FaceByPlane(pln, -10, 10, -10, 10).face

# Extract a trimmed curve
crv = wing.extract_curve(0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.95)

gui.add(wing.sref, p, face, crv)

After the necessary modules are imported, a few parameters are specified that will be used to define the shape of the wing:

semispan = 107.  # wing semi-span
sweep = 34.  # Leading edge sweep
uk = 0.28  # Percent semi-span to locate section cross section
c1 = 51.5  # Root chord
c2 = 31.  # Chord of second section
c3 = 7.  # Tip chord
t3 = 3.  # Tip washout in degrees

The wing will be defined by three cross sections using the same airfoil but at different locations and scales. A constant leading edge sweep is assumed so the leading edge locations of each cross section are:

p1x, p1y = 0., 0.
p2x = semispan * uk * tan(radians(sweep))
p2y = semispan * uk
p3x = semispan * tan(radians(sweep))
p3y = semispan

An airfoil from the UIUC airfoil database is used to create the cross section:

cs = Airfoil()

One advantage of using an Airfoil is that the leading and trailing edge points are stored and from that a chord line can be built which later will be used to build additional reference geometry stored with the wing.

Three planes are defined using the points derived from the wing parameters:

pln1 = PlaneByAxes((p1x, p1y, 0), axes='xz').plane
pln2 = PlaneByAxes((p2x, p2y, 0), axes='xz').plane
pln3 = PlaneByAxes((p3x, p3y, 0), axes='xz').plane

These planes represent the eventual location of the 3-D airfoil cross sections where the local origin of the plane is also the leading edge in this case. At each section, a 3-D wire is built by providing the 3-D plane and a scaling and rotation parameter:, scale=c1)
wire1 = cs.wires[0], scale=c2)
wire2 = cs.wires[0], scale=c3, rotate=t3)
wire3 = cs.wires[0]

These wires are then used to loft a solid shape:

shape = LoftShape([wire1, wire2, wire3], True, make_ruled=True).shape

The make_ruled=True option was used to produce linear segments between the airfoil cross sections, rather than blending them together with approximation.

At this point, a solid body (i.e., a Solid) has been defined and a Body can be initialized:

wing = Body(shape, 'Wing')

The name parameter, given as “Wing” in this example, is optional but is useful and can be treated as a default type of metadata. Defining a valid Solid is the only hard requirement when defining a Body for use during structural modeling. The user can use all the tools available to create them manually as done above, or they can be derived by importing data from other sources such as STEP files. The wing derived above is shown below:


It is at times convenient to define structural components using normalized or relative parameters rather than in absolute terms. For example, in a wing it is common to define a spar’s location and orientation by percent chord and percent semispan. This leads to the need for some kind of “reference geometry” on which to evaluate these types of parameters. For a wing, a natural solution is to define a continuous surface that generally represents its planform shape. Since many of the structural modeling tools use this type of surface, storing a “reference surface” and other reference geometry is provided by the Body class.

For the wing shown above, a reference surface will be built by lofting the chord lines of the three airfoil cross sections:

chord1 = cs.build_chord(pln1, scale=c1)
chord2 = cs.build_chord(pln2, scale=c2)
chord3 = cs.build_chord(pln3, scale=c3, rotate=t3)
sref = NurbsSurfaceByInterp([chord1, chord2, chord3], 1).surface
sref.set_udomain(0., 1.)
sref.set_vdomain(0., 1.)

The chord lines are built using the same scaling and rotation parameters and a linear surface is constructed. The parametric domain of the surface is set to be between 0 and 1 for convenience. This essentially corresponds to the u-direction being percent chord and the v-direction percent semispan (in this case along the sweep direction). The surface is set as the reference surface by:


When a reference surface is set, the method will automatically construct an underlying shape by splitting the surface at any C1 discontinuities. This shape is primarily used for intersection methods when extracting curves since C1 discontinuous surfaces may be numerically unreliable, but it is provided to the user if needed. This wing.sref_shape is shown below:


A number of methods are provided for convenience if the Body contains reference geometry such as as reference surface. A point on the surface can be evaluated by:

p = wing.eval(0.5, 0.5)

A plane can be defined between two points using the reference surface:

pln = wing.extract_plane(0.5, 0., 0.5, 0.5)

Here, two points are defined and then a third is defined by translating the first point in the direction of the reference surface normal. These three points are used to define a plane which can be useful for structural modeling.

Sometimes it may be useful to build a curve within the reference surface between two points as shown below:

crv = wing.extract_curve(0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.95)

This method will generated a TrimmedCurve between the parameters by intersecting a basis_shape with the reference surface. If a basis shape is not provided, a plane will be constructed as described above. The result of these methods are shown below:


The main takeaway for the oml package and the Body class is that it is meant to be a container for minimum data needed for structural modeling with minimal restrictions and assumptions. Creating the solid contained by the Body, as well as any associated reference geometry, can be as complex or as simple as the user needs and/or desires.



class afem.oml.entities.Body(shape, name='Body')

Generic class for solid bodies and encapsulating necessary information when creating structural components.




class afem.oml.check.CheckOML

Check OML.